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Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of 'Aichesi', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ptolemaic-Roman capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ptolemaic capital, Edfu, Egypt, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Column from Luxor, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Column from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Fellah man and woman, 1848. Artist: Mouilleron
Fellah woman and child, 1848. Artist: Charles Bour
Egyptian dancing girls performing the Ghawazi at Rosetta, Egypt, 1848. Artist: Achille Deveria
A fellah dressed in a haba, 1848. Artist: Charles Bour
An Arab sheikh smoking, 1848. Artist: Saint Germain
Abyssinian priest and warrior, 1848. Artist: Lemoine
A Mahazi and a Soualeh Bedouin, 1848. Artist: Charles Bour
Kafila with a camel bearing a hodesh, 1848. Artist: Lehnert
The Ababda, nomads of the eastern Thebaid Desert, 1848. Artist: Freeman
Nizamior, regular troops of the Turkish army at Kanka, Egypt, 1848. Artist: Mouilleron
Arnaout and Osmanli soldiers in Alexandria, Egypt, 1848. Artist: Mouilleron
Abyssinian warriors, 1848. Artist: Eugene Leroux